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You are now registered for:

Thirty Days of 


You are in for a delightful surprise and an eye opening experience.  For the next 30 days, you will have access to 30 days of ongoing instructions and exercises to help you move beyond your limiting experiences around money! Below is a link to the intro webinar  that sets the foundation of the work you have ahead - getting the energy moving in a positive direction as you immerse yourself in the resonance of abundance.  After the webinar, you can download it for free so you can listen to it again and again.  And then, for the next 30 days, each day you will have access to a new lesson and exercise to guide and support you with numerous tools to start creating whole new financial reality.   


If you have any questions or are having any difficulty accessing the lessons or downloading the Money Magic webinar shared below, then please go to our contact page and let us know as soon as possible!


To get started, for only $.95 you can download and listen to this Teleseminar that discusses all that's involved in truly creating prosperity and wealth in your life.


Thereafter, we will be visualizing, meditating, affirming and focusing on the one thing you were told to just create and not think about.  We're going to be thinking about it. Talking about it. Resonating on it - with the goal of creating it.  A LOT OF IT !  So, let's get started.  Click on the link below to listen to Tamaara's discussion about money manifesting:





Tamaara's Teleseminar on Creating & Manifesting Wealth



Click here to Access Lesson 1


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