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Welcome to MONEY MAGIC

30 Days of manifesting money


My Money Journal

Click here to access Your Daily Money Journal

"“Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” 
― Napoleon Hill"

The difference between dreams and reality is called action. 

Day 28 - Building anew


Today is four weeks since you started this program. Congratulations because you are well on your way to changing how you relate to money.  By sticking to this program you have demonstrated some powerful qualities that can carry you through to achieving any goal - the most important of which is sticking to the course!  


Yesterday, you were guided to develop a mental workout plan, putting together specifics of what works for you.  In two more days, this program will come to an end, but that doesn't mean that you stop working to build your resonance and a continually growing mindset of wealth.  Though you won't be receiving daily emails, you can set up your own reminders and ultimately create a routine.  A routine is a series of events that you repeat again and again.  If you truly want to create wealth in your life, you need to create a daily routine that shifts your consciousness to a resonance of wealth.  You've been working with that the last 4 weeks and should already be establishing a routine of what works for you.  


Scientists say that it takes 28 days for a new habit to be formed.  If you have been consistent with this program, you have been working daily to understand and shift your money pattern, to change limiting beliefs around money and to consistently lift your resonance to one of wealth.  But just because this 30 day program is about to come to an end, that doesn't mean you should stop your new habits or go back to the way things used to be. To assure your new habits continue, it's important to set up a routine of what you will follow from here on in. At the same time, it's probably a good idea to also know what your old pattern is so that if you find yourself slipping, you can stop it immediately.  


There are a number of things that you learned and that you have been working to change so that your money resonance can rise higher and higher. The following is a list of things you have done these last 28 days:


  1. make a commitment

  2. build- a money resonance

  3. discover limiting beliefs

  4. create a "burning desire"

  5. visualize your ideal day

  6. What's your money pattern

  7. Alter your pattern around earning

  8. release limiting beliefs

  9. build your money resonance

10. reprogram your subconscious

11. move past resistances

12. make it real

13. expand your self image

14. integrate conflicting parts

15. know the manifesting secrets

16. know you deserve

17. focus on a positive future

18. stay motivated

19. create avenue for manifesting

20. let your Higher Self guide you

21. be grateful

22. keep going

23. create your new character

24. find a money mentor

25. write a new script

26. move past fear

27. hold the frequency

28. develop a routine


The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful tools you have. It is like a garden. If you continually fertilize, water, and plant the right seeds, it will produce a great harvest.  Consistently plant positive abundant thoughts in your innermost mind to build and maintain your wealth resonance. Your thoughts create your world. Your ability to manifest wealth and success each day depends on the extent to which you can think and feel abundantly.

The key from this point forward is to maintain the resonance you have put in place.  Yesterday you set up a daily mental workout plan.  It's important that you implement the plan to such a degree that it becomes a normal way of operating in your daily life.  It should become so automatic that you don't even think about it.  But like anything, it takes effort to change a habit and the way you see money, approach it and handle it are all habits that you were taught from early years and developed over a long period of time. Most of those habits are garbage!  Most of us were never taught about money.  As discussed early on, many were taught to fear it, to worry about it and to struggle for it by working long hours in exchange for pay.  Most were taught that formal education assures success and that is a falsehood. Some of the wealthiest people in the world never even finished high school. Most people are waiting for a windfall rather than intending to create one.


In the exercises below, fill out the chart detailing the differences between your previous pattern with money and the new pattern that you are putting in place.  Once you are clear on the differences, you can continue to add to the new pattern, continuing to build a routine that brings you closer to your goal of ever expanding wealth. 

EXERCISE 28:  Changing your pattern


1.  For today's exercise, create a chart listing all the things you notice about your old money matrix on one side and listing all the things about your new matrix on the right side.   Make note of the differences so that you can continually focus on building and expanding the new matrix.


2.  Once you complete the chart listed in step 1, create a routine that you will follow daily for at least 10 days.  Then create a new routine with additions and changes that you will follow for the next 10 days until each part becomes so automatic that you barely think about it  Eventually you will notice you are manifesting a different level of wealth than when you started. 

DAILY REMINDER:  Watch for the emails you will receive each day with meditations and visualizations - all designed to keep building your resonance.  Do whatever works for you to get totally immersed in your new identity as an extremely wealthy person.  And, remember to read your Desire Statement twice each day and then write in your ACTION AND INTENTION JOURNAL all the things that you did today.  Keep the resonance going.  Keep building it for all the days to follow. 

Day 1    Day 2    Day 3    Day 4    Day 5    Day 6    Day 7    Day 8    Day 9    Day 10    Day 11    Day 12    Day 13    Day 14    Day 15  

Day 16    Day 17    Day 18    Day 19    Day 20    Day 21    Day 22    Day 23     Day 24    Day 25    Day 26    Day 27


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